As a qualified fitness professional and elite personal trainer at Virgin Active and a competitive Bikini athlete, Team Evox athlete Desiree Maple has made #GymLife part of health and fitness-focused lifestyle.

Desiree competed at the 2017 Bodybuilding World Championships in France, earning her Protea colours, and in 2019 placed first at the KZN Provincial Championships in the Fitness Bikini division.

Personal stats

  • Age: 39
  • Lives: Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal
  • Trains: Ballito Virgin Active
  • Favourite music to train to: Anything new and top of the charts, as long as it has a good beat.

READ MORE | #GymLife with Team Evox athlete Alicia Naude

How has the gym changed your life?

“I joined the gym in 2012 after the birth of my second baby. I started training with a friend who competed and she encouraged me to try it. The bug bit and ever since, health and fitness have been my passion.

“This lifestyle has helped keep me strong, not only physically but mentally as well. It lets me connect with like-minded individuals and, as it is my workplace, I have been able to help change many lives through the gym.”

Her 2024 goals

  • Growing and improving myself inside and outside of the gym.
  • Growing my online training app.

How does strength and muscle make you better at life?

Desiree finds working out helps lower her stress levels, boosts her self-confidence, and improves her body image and mood.

READ MORE | #GymLife with Team Evox athlete Jennifer Hamilton

Her training approach

Desiree always starts with a 5 to 10-minute warm-up on the treadmill before weight training. “I prefer to work on low repetitions at maximum weight to build strength. I split my training by working a different muscle group each day. I find this works best for my body and goals.”

Her weekly training split:

  • Monday: Legs
  • Tuesday: Shoulders, triceps and abs
  • Wednesday: Glutes
  • Thursday: Back, biceps and abs
  • Friday: Legs
  • Saturday: Cardio
  • Sunday: Rest

Desiree tries to include promenade walks as often as possible to hit her daily 10,000-step target. “Park runs and adding more running into my program has also been a good change.”

READ MORE | #GymLife with Team Evox athlete Elmien Peplar

How she eats

Desiree follows the if it fits your macros or IIFYM diet approach. “I make sure I eat and follow more of a healthy diet with some flexibility to create an overall balanced lifestyle.”

Her Evox supplement plan

Quick-fire questions

  • What do you wish you knew before you started weight training? You don’t need to spend hours in the gym every day to see results, as long as your training is high quality and challenging.
  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learnt on your journey? What you put in is what you get out, which applies to training and diet. The days we don’t feel like it are the days that matter most. Discipline over motivation.
  • Why should more people train with weights? It helps with weight loss and toning your body, increases your metabolism to help you burn more calories throughout the day, everyday activities become easier as you feel stronger and more balanced. It also increases bone density and helps prevent joint injuries.
  • What’s in your gym bag? Gym towel, Evox pre-workout, Evox BCAAs, earphones, sanitiser, deodorant, and an Evox protein bar for a quick on-the-go snack.