Buckle up and lift more with a weightlifting belt
As gym-goers progress in their training and push their physical limits by adding more plates to the bar, safety and performance become increasingly important
USN helps Celumusa make serious gains to win Muscle-Up Challenge
Playing the gains game always requires hard work, serious dedication and unwavering commitment to strict eating, intense training and smart supplementation to build more
5 natural ingredients that can boost testosterone levels
Testosterone is a potent hormone that exerts a profound influence on diverse facets of men's well-being, encompassing muscle growth, vitality, emotional state, and sexual
Get creative to take your cardio to the MaxX
With swimsuit season looming, gym-goers will be ramping up their cardio to shed fat and improve their body conditioning. But fasted morning cardio spins
Count creatine in: 5 reasons to why women should consider this effective supplement
Creatine is one of the most extensively studied nutritional supplements available and offers anyone who is serious about their training and muscle gains –
Biogen athlete Craig Sevell finds bodybuilding success in sustainable dieting
Biogen athlete Craig Sevell has a passion for bodybuilding that first began when he took part in a body transformation challenge with his father.
Christopher revs his body back into condition with NPL
After easy access to calorie-dense convenience and fast foods over the holidays led to excess weight gain, Christopher Julyan turned to NPL to rev
USN Bikini Pro Jessica shares her secret ingredients to success
An active childhood meant USN-sponsored Bikini Pro athlete, Jessica van den Heever always had an athletic physique, but her ultimate goal was to build
Strong for life: Why training movements, not muscles delivers true functional strength
Functional strength training has become a catchphrase in the fitness industry in recent years, and for good reason. In its truest sense, the functional
All hail QueenFitnass: Get to know the dynamic Mapule Ndhlovu
Mapule Ndhlovu is the undeniable Queen of fitness in South Africa, a titled she has earned through her determination, commitment and passion for the
3 ingredients to look for in an effective pre-workout supplement
When it's time to hit the weights room, those looking to boost their performance and get a physical edge prime their bodies and minds
Unlock Your Anabolic Potential with NPL Anabolic Sterol – Turkesterone
If you're ready to take your muscle-building efforts to the next level, let NPL Anabolic Sterol - Turkesterone unleash your anabolic potential. Turkesterone is