Team Evox athlete Jennifer Hamilton turned to a fitness-focused lifestyle and the #gymlife in 2016 in her quest to improve her mental health and get her through her days.

It soon become a great hobby and it is now central to her healthy lifestyle.

Personal stats

  • Age: 26
  • Lives: Alberton, Johannesburg
  • Trains: Virgin Active
  • Favourite music to train to: Techno and deep house.
  • What’s in your gym bag? Hair brush, perfume, Evox pre-workout, Evox creatine and resistance bands.

How has the gym changed your life?

A gym contract ensures you always have access to facilities, leaving no room for excuses when it comes to taking care of your health and fitness.

Her 2024 goals

Jennifer aims to get back to CrossFit training to challenge herself, as she knows that her body is capable of doing more than she is currently doing.

How does strength training make you better at life?

As a business owner in my industry, I spend so much time on my feet and doing actual work. Strengthening my lower back and core muscles helps reduce lower back pain.”

Her approach to training

Jennifer follows a split routine, training her quads and glutes together twice a week, shoulders once a week, and triceps, back and biceps together once a week, with a session for her hamstrings, glutes and calves once a week. She has a day dedicated to cardio.

How she eats

Jennifer starts her day off right with a good breakfast and includes red meat or seafood in her meals throughout the day.

“I struggle with my water intake, which is why I use Evox Zero Cal flavour infusion drops.”

Her Evox supplement plan

Quick-fire questions

  1. What do you wish you knew before you started weight training? Never work with a trainer or coach who pushes you hard before you’re not capable of handling the weight. It will lead to injury. Get a good coach who understands your needs.
  2. Why should more people make weightlifting part of their active lifestyle? Incorporating weightlifting into an active lifestyle offers numerous benefits; It increases functional strength and muscle mass, improves your metabolism to enhance fat loss, improves bone health, and delivers various mental health benefits.
  3. What is your favourite way to incorporate an Evox product into your daily life? I enjoy preparing protein biscuits for me and my family for the week. My favourite is using a vanilla protein powder that you can use with almost all biscuit recipes.
  4. How else do you stay fit and active? I enjoy ice skating, hiking and jogging. It’s so fun to plan a day out and do physical activities.