Elite and serious athletes looking to benefit from a testosterone boost now have a safe and effective way to promote natural hormone production, with Biogen Tongkat Ali Testo+ the first local testosterone enhancer to receive Informed Sport certification.

Testosterone is a potent hormone that has a profound effect on athletic performance. Maintaining optimal testosterone levels may contribute to increased muscle mass, strength, improved energy, and endurance when combined with a strength training program.

However, testosterone levels may wane due to elevated stress levels, which can occur during periods of high-volume and intense training, when taking specific medications, or from various medical conditions.

As such, finding safe and effective ways to promote natural hormone production with a supplement like the Informed Sport-certified Biogen Tongkat Ali Testo+ can benefit athletes.

READ MORE | The power of testosterone

A natural boost

Finding ways to enhance natural testosterone production through diet and exercise modifications and supplements can deliver numerous advantages to athletes.

One option is tongkat ali. Also known as Eurycoma longifolia or longjack, tongkat ali is a traditional herbal remedy native to Southeast Asia with a reputation for enhancing testosterone.

This herbal ingredient has a growing body of research backing its ability to help increase testosterone levels to improve muscle and strength gains and positively impact athletic performance.

Biogen Tongkat Ali Testo+ delivers 400mg Eurycoma longifolia Jack per serving, offering a credible single-source ingredient designed to increase testosterone production to support lean muscle mass gains and endurance while driving recovery and athletic performance.

READ MORE | 5 natural ingredients that can boost testosterone levels

Making informed choices

Importantly, athletes can take this Biogen supplement with confidence as it is the first local testosterone enhancer to receive Informed Sport certification.

Products enrolled in this leading global quality assurance programme for sports supplements gives athletes the assurance that products carrying the Informed Sport mark have been tested for banned and prohibited substances to ensure they do not contravene WADA’s Prohibited List.

This programme offers the highest level of assurance as every batch of a certified product undergoes testing at LGC Limited in the UK, which offers one of the best risk management and certification options globally, before it is released.

LGC screens every batch of a certified product for banned substances at a part-per-billion levels, and all manufacturing processes must meet strict quality control standards, including GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).

The Informed Sport programme is the gold standard worldwide, which means athletes who choose certified products can train and compete with confidence knowing that their reputation is in safe hands.